Die 2 by Sean Yseult


Die 2

From the series Six Sides of a Die

Photo prints are produced on top grade photo rag paper and processed with archival techniques for lasting protection. All the materials, techniques and processes used in preparing the finished presentation conform to internationally recognized standards.

Prints will be signed by the artist

Open Edition
8″ x 10″ (plus a border for framing)
Shipped unframed

Sean Yseult is a musician, photographer and designer best known as the bassist of the band White Zombie. A scholarship graduate of Parsons School of Design NYC, she studied design and photography, and graduated Cum Laude with a BA in Design. Prior to college, she was a scholarship graduate of the North Carolina School of the Arts, studying ballet and visual arts.

2 in stock


Die 2

From the series Six Sides of a Die

Photo prints are produced on top grade photo rag paper and processed with archival techniques for lasting protection. All the materials, techniques and processes used in preparing the finished presentation conform to internationally recognized standards.

Prints will be signed by the artist

Open Edition
8″ x 10″ (plus a border for framing)
Shipped unframed

Other sizes available:

12″ x 18 $550

16″ x 20″ $675

Please contact me regarding larger print sizes

Please contact me if you are outside of the USA for shipping options.
Sent rolled in a protective tube and you will receive tracking information once it is packed.


These prints are for personal collection and viewing only. There are no reproduction rights of any kind granted with this purchase and these photo prints may not be used or exhibited for any commercial purpose.